Whether you are a first time job seeker, a mid-life career changer or a retiree who continues to want professional fulfillment, a job search looks different for every person.
Take a moment to explore, are you…
unhappy in your current career?
returning the work force after taking time away?
looking for a new position in the same industry?
following my spouse/significant other to a new city?
a recent graduate (or parent of a graduate) seeking a full time job?
a college student (or parent of a college student) seeking an internship?
I am unhappy in my current career
Maybe you are stuck in what you feel is a dead-end position, perhaps there are challenges in your company or field that you feel are difficult to overcome, or maybe you are simply bored and uninspired. Career change can be frightening. We can help you identify what is causing your dissatisfaction, and come up with solutions to bring about positive change in your career and in your life.
I work in a disappearing industry, what should I do to stay relevant?
In our rapidly changing economy, certain industries are growing while others are stagnating. Choosing a field where there are opportunities is just as important as choosing a field that is the right fit for you. We can direct you to market research data that will show you the growth within fields you are considering so you can make an informed choice about the direction you choose to pursue.
I am looking for a new job in the same industry/field
Lateral moves are even more challenging in a digital world where, with the click of a mouse, thousands of applicants can apply to the same position. How can you stand out? What job search techniques are most effective? How do you network to find a new position within the same field while maintaining discretion? How important is a LinkedIn summary (answer: VERY!)? We can coach you through the job search process with proven techniques that lead to positive results.
I am returning to the work force after time away
Many of our clients have stepped away from the traditional workforce to care for children or other family members. Very often these professionals have extensive work experience and education but feel it will be quite challenging to step back into a role that will be appropriate for their background yet conducive to other commitments they may have in their lives. We have helped many clients to re-enter, either to full-time roles that get them back on a similar track as the one they left, or to new roles that are often flexible in nature. For many of these professionals, re-branding their more recent experience and focusing on transferrable skills, while not discounting their earlier experience, will help them find roles that are a good fit for this stage of their lives.
I am following my spouse to a new city
Moving due to a spouse’s relocation can be quite stressful. Not only are you giving up your job, but you are often moving away from friends, family and your support system. You might not have the same network of contacts and knowledge of employers and/or the job market in your new community. We have many years of experience working with the spouses/partners of relocated professionals and I can assist you identifying your objectives and preparing for and developing a job search strategy specifically designed to meet your goals in your new location.
College graduates will benefit from the advice of a career advisor in developing a clear job search strategy and getting a foot in the door
I am a recent graduate (or parent of a graduate) seeking a full time job
The natural progression of a student’s life is to go straight from college graduation to full-time employment. However, that is not the case for all students. Sometimes the student is experiencing challenges in finding an appropriate position and often the student has no clear focus as to what he or she is looking for. We help recent grads assess what industries and career paths would be the best fit for their interests, skills, personality and values. We also guide them in job search strategy and in marketing themselves to successfully navigate this process and find their way into a career that will allow them to reach their goals.
I am a college student (or parent of a college student) seeking an internship
Internships are no longer “nice to have,” they are absolutely required to compete in an increasingly competitive job market post graduation. Students need to have pre-professional work experience prior to their college graduation in order to be considered for many full-time job opportunities upon graduation. We can assist your student in identifying areas to explore and in developing an effective internship search. We can also guide them in how to make the most of their internship experience and how to use that experience to achieve more opportunities in the future.
I am a retiree seeking continued professional fulfillment
More and more retirees are continuing to work, either by necessity or choice. While the common thought is that more mature adults have less opportunity in the workforce, We have had many clients successfully find second (or third) careers. We can assist you in assessing your interests and skills, and even help you find resources to gain new skills. That combined with a knowledge of where the opportunities for these “second” careers are most plentiful, will lead you to successfully fulfilling your second career objectives.