Every client has different needs, goals, time frames and budgets.
But, what most clients have in common, is the feeling of being “stuck.”
Our services are tailored to the individual. We provide a holistic model, using our backgrounds in psychological counseling, to guide each client towards becoming “unstuck” and achieving their goals. Some clients might need less assessment and more coaching, but in most cases, the process works this way:
Step 1: Assessment
In any career decision, there are 4 areas one should assess – Interests, Skills, Personality and Values. We have a comprehensive assessment process that we use to help each client identify careers that would be a good fit.
Step 2: Guided Research
Once several career paths are identified, the research phase begins. We work with our clients to determine a clear strategy for getting the information that they need to create a more focused search. Not only do they need to gather information about working in a particular field, but they have to gather market research data regarding opportunities within the fields they are researching. We recommend tools and resources appropriate for each client’s search.
Step 3: Job Search
While we are listing job search as one step in the process, there are actually several steps. We assist clients with their personal branding strategy including writing resumes, cover letters, Linked In profiles, networking strategies and interviewing skills. We advise on job search resources and design an effective plan that will yield results.
Ready to go…